Meeting Room Solutions

Newline Interactive Meeting Room Display

Newline Meeting Room Collaboration Tool

A powerful all-rounder for seamless, next-generation communication.

Replace meeting room frustration with participation.

Newline devices enable true collaborative experiences. When it’s not possible to physically be in the same room, you’ll discover your Newline collaborative device brings people closer than ever before. There’s a solution for almost any size constraint and budget.

Newline Interactive Meeting Room Solution

Newline Q1

Meeting participants and presenters shouldn’t have to maintain technical mastery over all communication devices as they strive to conquer distance and delays. At the click of the controls, Newline delivers a high-quality connection. The Newline range leads the way to the future of collaboration tools – supporting the way you work.

Newline devices incorporate two-way broadcast communication using an open platform, with an inbuilt camera, microphone array, speakers, PC, and touchscreen ‘whiteboard’ capabilities. Add compelling graphic and interactive abilities, full sharing and control capabilities, and safety.